Video resources for Learning more about eIFS and more

Select any video and its description will appear below the video window. Please let us know what other themes would be helpful. Enjoy!

Introduction To Effortless IFS

These short videos touch give a taste of many of our EIFS themes and practices.


In EIFS, when aware of multiple parts simultaneously (planetarium or panoramic perspective or as aware of the two thumbs), blending and thus overall suffering is immediately decreased by at least 50%.

These workshop videos are long.  If anyone enjoys finding highlights, we are seeking help creating greatest hits.  



EIFS experiential group blasts off into oneness through celebrating Self qualities, the universality of parts and the pervasiveness of Self.  The first 10 minutes is a Self and parts game that evolves into each group members sharing from this clarity the breadcrumbs they are leaving for when blended me reappears. This video isn’t a preview but rather is an hour experience.   

individual facilitation

Demonstrating EIFS as a full individual faciltation practice.  


Being with another as spacious awareness on their death bed (note: first 20 minutes is more conversational which transitions into session format).  In this session, we enjoy and celebrate the space which opens in Ethan.  We offer support as Ethan holds simultaneous awareness of the six parts that can pull him away from spacious awareness We join Ethan as he discovers the innocence within each of his parts. We aid him in exploring an inner continuum where, through the pervasiveness of Self, each part can contribute its unique gifts without the weight of its burdens or charges. This marks a new option in the EIFS approach, emphasizing the unburdened nature of burdened parts through a heightened presence of Self. Lastly, we delve into the challenge of finding uncondional acceptance and okayness even when, during these most difficult times, parts occasionally merge completely. We extend our gratitude to Ethan for his transparency and inspiring demonstration of what is attainable during such a vulnerable period in life.

Introducing other expressions of IFS and nondual understandings.

guest interviews

It’s my privilege to introduce you to my nondual IFS friend and colleague Dr Laura Patryas. Some of you might already know her from one of our co-hosted workshops. What I see is that she dove deep in her inner healing journey and now it is all a radiance of Self/Love. This interview gives a sense of how home was and is found in her system. Enjoy!

Nondual Nonviolent communication (NVC)

Hearing what our parts really want or long for is an essential element of the EIFS awareness practice.  As what is longed for is heard then fulfillment is possible from intrinsic Self qualities.  Developing this practice of hearing what our parts really want applies an awareness from Nonviolent Communication (NVC).  Here we will introduce the application of NVC in EIFS.



Brief intro to NVC, why I love it, why I call it nondual, how it works and how it can work for you.  This video doesn’t include the application to IFS which is included in other videos soon to be included in this collection.  In short, with NVC we hear the underlying needs or what is really wanted or longed for.  When we apply NVC to our parts,we hear what they really want which can contribution significantly to healing and shifting into Self-leadership.  Furthermore, we often ask what is most like what is longed for which can be found here and now in Self.